SSL certificate?

Hi everybody,

I’m a newbie to local hosting.
Just to be sure, I’ve looked through the entire list of topics, but haven’t come across a similar question.

My question: Do I need to do more than just check ‘SSL’ in DevKinsta to secure my local website? The checkbox is checked, but I keep getting the message unsafe.

Hopefully you have the answer.


Heya @ljkuipers (Laura) and welcome to Kinsta Community!

You could just enable the HTTPS option for your local site from DevKinsta → Sites → Site name in question (Site info page)
Screenshot from 2023-07-24 13-01-41

and if you still get the unsafe/unsecured warning ( “Your connection is not private” / “NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID” for that local site (with https:// URL of your local site), please check if you’re accessing it with Chrome browser ?
If that so, please try with different browser, such as FireFox and see if it’s opening just fine there.

I also have this issue with Chrome browser (on the current updated versions, but didn’t have this issue before on the previous version) as I mentioned in the other thread here. Please see if that’s the same case as you’re experiencing and if accessing with different browser (FireFox) will help.


Thanks Agus!
I indeed have a safe connection in other browsers. Later today I will follow your steps in the other thread. Thank you so far :slight_smile:

You’re most welcome Laura! :slight_smile:
Sounds good! yeah for now I’m also using FireFox browser to test / load my local (DevKinsta) sites with HTTPS URL.