Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well. I’ve been trying to install DevKinsta on Windows for the past several days but without success. Sounds like it’s not creating any files, while I’ve launched the installer with admin rights.
Version 10.0.22631 Build 22631
Microsoft Windows 11 Family
PC x64
I’ve got an antivirus but nothing is triggered during the installation. Virtualization is enabled. I’m probably missing something.
I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing these issues. Unfortunately, Hyper-V is not available in the Microsoft Windows 11 Home/Family edition. You will need to install Devkinsta using WSL instead. Additionally, please note that Docker Desktop version 4.30 or higher has known incompatibility issues with Devkinsta running through WSL. I recommend uninstalling your current version of Docker Desktop and installing this old version, 4.25.1, instead, using the following link: https://desktop.docker.com/win/main/amd64/128006/Docker%20Desktop%20Installer.exe.
Hey all.
Had problems installing DevKinsta on Win11 Pro Insider Preview Beta Channel.
The install file came up blocked and got UAC message: “This app has been blocked for your protection”
Installed Docker Desktop (latest version) and disabled “Use the WSL 2 based engine” under General settings.
Found an old DevKinsta installer from december 2022 and started it and it ran properly. Got a message during installation that an update was available and ran that one to without problem.
Next step was changing properties on the hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
allowing system and admin to modify the file.
Installed an instance of WP through DevKinsta (takes a little time to finish) and now it works with a few kinks I need to figure out like running the site with https and ftp access.
If anyone can help with https and ftp please point me in the right direction.
DevKinsta does not have a built-in FTP feature. However, you can easily access your WordPress files by navigating to the local site information in the app. Click on the SITE PATH value, and you’ll be able to edit and manage your files from there. (see example screenshot)
Regarding HTTPS, Devkinsta automatically provides a self-signed SSL certificate when you create local sites through the app. If your local domain is still using HTTP, you can log in to the Docker container via SSH and use WP CLI commands to perform a search and replace.
Let us know if you have additional questions or clarification.
Instead of going through the rather tedious way of changing things via WP-CLI (wich I am not at all proficient with) i added a new “custom site” and added the HTTPS in the setup rather than changing it after the site is created.
Works flawlessly.