Devkinsta_adminer database Warnigns make GUI unreadable

Q: Date/Time this occurred (Provide your time zone also)
**A: I first noticed this in February or March 2024

Q: DevKinsta Version

Q: OS Version
**A: Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.1

Q: Docker Desktop Version
**A: 4.28.0

Q: Were any error codes or messages observed? If so, what were they?
**A: Yes: Warning : Trying to access array offset on null in /var/www/html/adminer.php on line 1179
Warning : Trying to access array offset on null in /var/www/html/adminer.php on line 1777

within docker adminer this line 1777:

as$he=>$W)$A.=where_link($t++,$he,$W);}$X=select_value($X,$A,$o,$fi);$u=h("val[$Hi][".bracket_escape($z)."]");$Y=$_POST["val"][$Hi][bracket_escape($z)];$tc=!is_array($J[$z])&&is_utf8($X)&&$K[$Xe][$z]==$J[$z]&&!$pd[$z];$ei=preg_match('~text|lob~',$o["type"]);echo"<td id='$u'";if(($_GET["modify"]&&$tc)||$Y!==null){$xd=h($Y!==null?$Y:$J[$z]);echo">".($ei?"<textarea name='$u' cols='30' rows='".(substr_count($J[$z],"\n")+1)."'>$xd</textarea>":"<input name='$u' value='$xd' size='$xe[$z]'>");}else{$Ae=strpos($X,"<i>…</i>");echo" data-text='".($Ae?2:($ei?1:0))."'".($tc?"":" data-warning='".h(lang(257))."'").">$X</td>";}}}if($Pa)echo"<td>";$b->backwardKeysPrint($Pa,$K[$Xe]);echo"</tr>\n";}if(is_ajax())exit;echo"</table>\n","</div>\n";}if(!is_ajax()){if($K||$E){$Ic=true;if($_GET["page"]!="last"){if($_==""||(count($K)<$_&&($K||!$E)))$md=($E?$E*$_:0)+count($K);elseif($y!="sql"||!$ce){$md=($ce?false:found_rows($R,$Z));if($md<max(1e4,2*($E+1)*$_))$md=reset(slow_query(count_rows($a,$Z,$ce,$sd)));else$Ic=false;}}$Pf=($_!=""&&($md===false||$md>$_||$E));if($Pf){echo(($md===false?count($K)+1:$md-$E*$_)>$_?'<p><a href="'.h(remove_from_uri("page")."&page=".($E+1)).'" class="loadmore">'.lang(258).'</a>'.script("qsl('a').onclick = partial(selectLoadMore, ".(+$_).", '".lang(259)."…');",""):''),"\n";}}echo"<div class='footer'><div>\n";if($K||$E){if($Pf){$Ie=($md===false?$E+(count($K)>=$_?2:1):floor(($md-1)/$_));echo"<fieldset>";if($y!="simpledb"){echo"<legend><a href='".h(remove_from_uri("page"))."'>".lang(260)."</a></legend>",script("qsl('a').onclick = function () { pageClick(this.href, +prompt('".lang(260)."', '".($E+1)."')); return false; };"),pagination(0,$E).($E>5?" …":"");for($t=max(1,$E-4);$t<min($Ie,$E+5);$t++)echo

Q: Detailed Description of the Problem
**A: When I view adminer db and I click to view a table I get tons of warning messages that makes the table unreadable

Hi @rpearson! Thank you for reaching out to us on the forums!

I’m sorry to see this issue is occurring, and preventing you from being able to use the Adminer interface properly. I understand an issue like this can be frustrating, and we want to help find a solution.

I have attempted to replicate the issue on my end, and I was able to do so. This does appear to be a development related issue within Adminer. I am going to be escalating this with our DevKinsta developers to explore what options might be available to resolve this issue. We will update you as soon as we have more details to share.

We thank you for your patience while our team investigates. Please don’t hesitate to reply if you do have any questions in the meantime. We’re always happy to help!

Best regards

Same is happening to me, hope we can get this resolved, I am unable to pull from Kinsta and run sites locally at this time =(

having the same issue. warnings make it difficult to use the interface, but it is still usable.

good reason to stick to TablePlus.

I’m having the same issue.


Thank you for reporting that; I’ve added your report to our request to our development team.

I am having this issue as well.

Hi @Steven_Burns Welcome to the Kinsta Community.

Thank you for reporting the same issue to our attention. I have also forwarded this to our development team. We will update you as soon as we have more information/update.

Same issue here…

Ciao, anche io ho lo stesso problema con un sito wp installato in locale tramite la procedura automatica di devkinsta 2.13.2

Sapete come poter risolvere?


Hi, is this resolved?

Hi @Nio, Welcome to the Kinsta Community!
I am sorry to hear that you are having similar issue. I have added this report to our development team as well. We will keep you posted with the updates.

@mbird1981 Unfortunately, the issue remains unresolved and has been reported to our development team. We are currently awaiting their response.

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Hi @merineth ,

I found my solution here
“Local switched from Adminer to AdminerEvo in 8.3.1, which includes fixes for several PHP warnings like the ones you shared. If you update Local you should no longer see them.”

I found this maintained adminerevo-docker
Joined it to DevKinsta network and linked it with devkinsta_db container:
docker run --network devkinsta_network --link devkinsta_db -p 15201:8080

Works smoothly.

I believe DevKinsta should move from Adminer (latest release v 4.8.1, 2021-05-14 ) to adminerevo distro ( latest release 4.8.4 2024-04-07 17:42)
