Hi @jamesgreenblue, this is definitely looking like a new issue for DevKinsta 2.3.0. I’ve been able to reproduce all of the issues and have forwarded all findings to our developers. This issues seems to only occur on M1 machines. The database search and replace is not working as it should.
Reinstalling DevKinsta will not remedy this issue as it appears to be an issue with the code in the current version. For now, the quickest fix seems to be to run the search and replace before the site is copied from Kinsta to DevKinsta using our Search and Replace Tool.
So if you are ending up with xyz.local within DevKinsta, you should run a search and replace within Kinsta for xyz.net
→ xyz.local
then copy the site into DevKinsta. You would reverse this process if copying a site from DevKinsta into Kinsta.
I definitely see how this isn’t ideal and am making sure that we address this for the next DevKinsta release. Please let me know if there’s anything else I should relay to the team about this issue.
I’ve contacted our content team and have asked them to create an official “uninstall” document that covers everything. Again, uninstalling/reinstalling won’t fix this error since it seems to be a code issue.
Sorry for the issues here but please let us know if you see any more problems or need any clarification.