Hi, I try to change port because my site wasn’t running.
After that DevKinsta was stucks, I restart the computer now I’m with DK0005, if I see details in Docker the error is
nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate “/www/kinsta/ssl/testdomain.local2.crt”: BIO_new_file() failed (SSL: error:80000002
I am sorry to hear that you are having issues with DevKinsta after changing the port.
In order for us to assist better, can you please provide the following?
DevKinsta Version:
OS Version:
Docker Desktop Version:
Can you please try and quit Docker Desktop manually, then restart DevKinsta and see if it will make a difference?
Please also send me the DevKinsta’s main.log file via private message. You can get the main.log file by clicking on the “Reveal log file in File Manager” under the Help and Support page in Devkinsta.
thanks for the reply,.
I forgot to say that I tried to change the domain that was no longer indicated in the devKinsta option, I added .local2 before the crash.
Yes I have already restarted the computer several times.
I am on windows 10 with the latest version of devKinsta and docker 4.29.
Maybe if I can edit the configuration manually and tell it to go back to .local it would work? But I don’t know how to do it.
Thanks I send the log file.
Merineth is offline, if you’ve sent her your main.log file, I am unable to view it. Please send it here, and I will redact it so that only our staff can see it.
Also, one more question, is this what you have changed?
there is main.log (redacted)
Yes it’s that I changed because it’s was empty I don’t know why.
Since I tried I tried to generate the .local2 certificate and delete the devkinsta_nginx container. Since when I restart I just have an error and the devkinsta_nginx is not created.
I’ve got this response
Error response from daemon: cannot kill container: ffae51383ec6f27230e228fda8685e7a769c9707853da4338afc8d58e86417ab: No such container: ffae51383ec6f27230e228fda8685e7a769c9707853da4338afc8d58e86417ab
It’s ok I managed to restart devKinsta, the ssl folder was empty I copied the certificate that I had regenerated in the folder.
I manage to access the interface, so I find myself with the initial problem that had made me change, the top domain level and the ports.
Thanks, it’s ok now I also change the port to 80/443.
It’s working fine thanks for the help.
is it possible to put the urls that you have just listed in private so that it remains confidential please?