Homepage not workong for HK clients and the Kinsta chat is down - no place to add text or find a live agent
PLEASE, get tech support to FIX THE KINSTSA chat on the paid pages - cannot write on them. only shows choices to click on.
Nevermind - I got it - had an emergency and was hoping for support - but clicking ‘a dozen buttons’ finally got me a box to write in.
Client got support to fix the missing front page issue.
Hello @Cooper!
Welcome to the Kinsta Community! I am glad to hear that we were able to assist you in fixing the issue on your website. As I reviewed the conversation, it appears that the issue was related to caching. If the issue persists or if you encounter any other problems, please don’t hesitate to contact us via chat for immediate assistance. Our chat support should be available 24/7 and we’ll be happy to assist you.
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