Static Site Connection Not Private

It doesn’t appear that the SSL certificate is working for my static site. I am using the Kinsta subdomain.

Is there anything I can do to debug.? I have a domain I plan to use but am concerned the SSL will not for this as well.

Thanks - Dave

Hi @djmakowski! Welcome to the Kinsta community forums!

I’m sorry to hear that you are experiencing an SSL certificate issue with your static site. I understand the importance of ensuring all connections to your site are secure!

I just tried to replicate the issue on my end however, and was unable to do so. I do see that your site loaded securely. Below you may find a screenshot showing the secure connection I saw when visiting your site:

Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 4.28.36 PM

So that we can better assist you, could you please provide more details about the specific SSL related error you are seeing? May we also have the name of the browser you are using, as well as the operating system of the device you are using to visit the site? This information will help us in our investigation.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards

Chrome browser on Windows 11.

Hi @djmakowski! Thank you for your reply and sharing that screenshot!

I do want to ensure that no local caching issue could be causing this problem. If you visit the site using a private/incognito browser window does the SSL error persist?

Also, if you visit the site using a different device do you see the SSL error on that as well?

We look forward to hearing back from you!

The problem just seems to be on any browser on my computer. Even after clearing cache. It works on devices that use safari.

We can close this as it must be an issue on my end. Thanks for your response.



Hi Dave :wave:

Thank you for your reply and update! Glad to hear that it works on other devices on your end (and that seemed to be just a local issue on your computer)!
We will close this thread now as per your confirmation! :+1:

Best regards,
Agus Utomo

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