Uploading to Staging from Devkinsta stuck

Hi @Mikyboy

Zach here!

Looks like we’ll need to do a full reset, which in order is:

  1. Exit DevKinsta (forcefully if needed)
  2. Stop all Docker containers
  3. Remove all Docker containers
  4. Remove all Docker VOLUMES
  5. Shutdown Docker Desktop
  6. Uninstall DevKinsta
  7. Uninstall Docker Desktop
  8. Remove the ~/Library/Application Support/DevKinsta/ folder
  9. Reboot
  10. Install Docker Desktop
  11. Install DevKinsta

Earlier, you mentioned doing a docker volume prune, which would only delete orphaned volumes, and not do a full reset. Once you’re at this point, go ahead and log in to DevKinsta with your MyKinsta credentials, sync your staging site to local, make your changes, and try a reupload.

Also, if you need to make backups and have a solution going forward for this, recommend looking at Philipp’s post here:

Best regards