This is where i still see the big size, although i have deleted the large table on live now too. But its not working again.
Can you please send the new mainlog.log file?
main.log file uploaded
@Mikyboy can you try to import the site as standard site instead of custom site
OK Let me try. I wasnt aware there is different types of import. But why is the db still so big i dont get it? I have deleted a 1.4gb file and it still is only 300mb smaller, over 5gb. Makes no sense to me. OK will try now
OK iunteresting the page is now only 916mb, but frankly i must have done this accidently, usually used the import from Kinsta. SO the import worked now. Lets hope the update also works later when i pull. I will also try the push now.
That’s great, let us knows how the push goes
It worked, we can resolve it! THANKS
Thank you for your update Michael! I’m glad to hear it worked (resolved) on your end now!
Alright, I will close this thread now!