Can't create / Import DevKinsta websites

Hi @Ross

Thank you for your reply! :smile:
Iā€™m not familiar with any IDE tool youā€™re going to use, but in order to be able to access that wsl path on Windows, I think you would first need to map it - similar to what I suggested in the other (old) thread here:

so you can open up command line and perform the command like:
net use z: \\wsl.localhost\docker-desktop-data

or you can change/use that z with any non-existing local drive you want to map/assign for that network path.

Once mapped, you may want to check with your IDE tool, and see if it can open that new mapped drive? i.e: Z:\ (or any new mapped drive you set up) , and go to the data\docker\volumes\DevKinsta\public folder and also its local siteā€™s folder there.

Hope the workaround above helps? :pray: :crossed_fingers:

Best regards,
Agus Utomo