We’ve released version 2.4.0 of DevKinsta! You can download it here.
New Features:
You can now selectively push just the database or just files to your Kinsta site
You can now rename your sites
The MyKinsta destination site is now placed into Maintenance Mode during Push with an option to cancel the Push if an error occurs (this restores the site and disables maintenance mode)
PHP 8.1 is now available for selection
New popup for Docker container status (notifications for when containers need to be started or recreated)
New popup to let you know if Docker needs to be started
Site import will no longer fail due to SSL creation failure
Better error handling for Mailhog issue on M1 installs
The Push site list has been updated to only show Staging containers
Mailhog can now handle email attachments
The pulled site now shows first in the site list when trying to push to MyKinsta.
Bug Fixes:
- The Push and Pull processes now correctly modify site URLs in all database tables.
- We now avoid logging sensitive information in DevKinsta log files
- The Port Selector now changes hard coded URLs and the wp-config.php in addition to the URLs in the database.
- NGINX container no longer remains exited after port change
- Site size is now correct on Windows
- Mailhog issues with imported sites have been fixed
- Issue with DevKinsta setup progress bar being inconsistent has been fixed
- Settings page translation issues have been resolved
- Tray dropdown and modal language now also changes when application language is changed
- Fixed AutoAppDater issues on Mac