Error DK0068: Unable to Change Port and Create Backup Folder

Hi everyone,

I’m having trouble changing the port, and I keep encountering the error: “Failed to create site backup DK0068”. I’ve tried multiple solutions but can’t figure out how to resolve this. I’m also unsure in which folder the backup should be created.

Has anyone else experienced this issue, or does anyone know how to fix it?

DevKinsta version: 2.13.4
Docker version: 4.34.0

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hello @David_Sojic :wave:

I’m sorry to hear you’re having troubles.

I have a few questions:

  • what is the operating system you’re using?
  • what solutions have you tried? (have you tried this one)
  • could you please provide us with the main.log file?

Kind regards

Thank you @VladimirM

It’s all sorted now. I removed the entire DevKinsta folder and reinstalled it. Although all my sites were deleted, I have backups, so everything is fine
All my sites are deleted but I have backup so its okay now.


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