External HDD and Sites Path


I’ve been checking the odler posts and is being a problem for a few people trying to set an External HDD as the site path, and i encountered the same error: External drive is not supported for Project Path

The path i’m trying to set in /Volumes/User/SitesFolder/ and according to what i read in the other posts it should be fine.

Any one got any idea why is this happening?

Thank you very much!

Hello Christopher,

Sorry to hear about this, can you please provide me with more details here:

  • What is the OS you are using on the computer?
  • What is version of DevKinsta?
  • And at least what Docker version is installed?
    This would be useful to process further the problem you are experiencing.

Thank you.

Thank you for the fast Reply!

  • Sonoma 14.7.1
  • DevKinsta 2.13.4
  • Docker 4.25.1

I believe everything is up-to-date. I just reset this computer to start to work.

Thank you very much once again for the fast reply! :slight_smile:

Hey Christopher,

We were not able to replicate the same issue, but regardless, we will consult with our DevKinsta developers and see how it looks on their side and if any error is generated on that end.

We will keep you posted here in the thread with the new findings.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Hi Nikoladjuric!

The HDD is a Seagate STX of 1TB and is reset in the Schema GUID Partition Map. Just in case this helps with the replication of the problem.

Thank you for investigating.
Hope you have any. news soon!

Hi @ChristopherPorto

This issue is still under investigation. Thank you for providing the additional details. In the meantime, could you please share the DevKinsta main.log file? You can typically find the main log file at /Users/[username]/Library/Logs/DevKinsta/main.log. Hopefully, it can provide us with more clues as to why choosing an external volume for the project seems to be a problem.