We frequently have problems trying to import or sync our site from Kinsta. I’ve reported the issue before in these topics.
Those are separate issues but both seem to be caused by the site being large. If I do a manual backup & download, the zip file is 5GB. If I unzip it, the resulting folder is 12.5GB. Is that larger than normal with DevKinsta?
All developers working on our site experience similar problems. It fails more often than not. Sometimes we try over and over again and waste days just trying to import or sync from Kinsta.
Do you think the size is causing the problem? If so, can anything be done to improve support for syncing large sites?
Since I can download a manual backup reliably, it would be nice if we could restore locally from that manual backup and avoid the remote sync.
Can you confirm which type of machine setup you’re using for DevKinsta?
Windows (HyperV) —not recommended
Windows (WSL) —don’t work well with the latest versions of Docker Desktop
For large files that require faster sync, it is recommended to use either Mac or Windows on WSL. However, Windows (WSL) has current issues with the latest versions of Docker Desktop. Please refer to the details on this similar thread.
The DevKinsta app already has an option to import a site from a local backup. You can use the Downloadable backup generated from Kinsta to import the site through this option. However, the import option is only available when creating a new local site through DevKinsta.