I am trying to sync from remote and excluding the uploads folder to reduce the 3+ GiB of the site down to 430MiB, for whatever reason it slows to a crawl right around 250MiB and the spinning icon freezes, spins, freezes, etc. and I never make it to the full 430MiB before it says something bad happened and I need to start all over again. I’ve been at this for days with no luck, just stops before making the full download and then I have to repeat the same awful process of never getting a complete download.
I am on Windows 10 Enterprise. Any additional work arounds would be greatly appreciated.
Hi @donduck, welcome to DevKinsta!
That’s odd; is there an especially large file that it might be getting stuck on? Can you please private message your main.log file to me? It will contain more information about the error.
This log file can be accessed from the Help and Support page in DevKinsta (click the question mark (?) icon in the left sidebar) under the Support forum heading.
I am not entirely sure what solved the problem, however, I am now able to download the entire 3.5GB from Kinsta into DevKinsta. I was attempting to install dependencies for a different docker container and wonder if maybe something was missing before that is now there to help complete the setup. Have not tried to restore from backup again, last I checked that was still giving me errors which I sent you the log file when that issue was happening. For now I am up and running, thanks for your help.